This quick shoot was set up for Sergio, a Gourmet food delivery service that began its operation at the start of the COVID quarantine.
As we all we all went indoors due to the pandemic, the need of creating attractive and compelling images became absolute. Sergio came to us to be able to show it’s high quality and gourmet details across the web, showing its clients the reality of its cooking.
Never has it been more important that now to represent visually the products that we are selling.
Simplicity is key, in orden to be able to entice the eyes and water the mouth, every image need to look even better than the real thing. And the taste of this cake is even better than what it looks in these images.
Little details that make the difference…
Nunca había sido tan importante como ahora el representar nuestros productos bien en internet. Y es que en estos tiempos, una imagen tiene que ser capaz de representar visualmente el producto perfectamente.
Sergio es un servicio de comida gourmet a domicilio en la ciudad de Queretaro que empezó su servicio de entrega empezando la pandemia. Se acercaron a nosotros para poder representar su calidad y excelencia a travez de imágenes que inviten a la gente a saborear y salivar, dandole justicia a la alta calidad que Sergio maneja. y es que así como se ve en estas imágenes, el sabor de todos los platillos de Sergio es extraordinario.