Windows come in all shapes and sizes, and it is a big reason why shops choose specific sites, big windows give good opportunities to showcase their contents to the outside.
The big question: what to do to make people come inside….
The focus was made on the products and their colours for the autumn / winter season, creating frames and “stages” that become backdrops of strong contrast that strengthen their aesthetics.
Red, Blue, Green and a bit of Yellow, play between them to generate a flexible scene that is appropriated for a large number of items of the season. (meaning they can change the products around and it will still look like it was designed to be.)
Paint, filler, MDF and a bit of creativity made this all come together.
We are happy with the result and looking forward for the next window @ Deense Kroon!
by the way, Home and living @Deense Kroon is curated by Crioll! come by for a visit…..
Thanks for reading!