Aesop Duke of York Square - London

While in our visit to metropolitan London, we passed by this amazing space situated in Duke of York Square, right next to the incredible Saatchi Gallery, which is also an excelent place to visit.

Aesop is a Melbourne based skin & body care company that has through all of it's locations always been pushing good design and retail display. their aesthetic language has been part of their marketing since quite some time now. It is one of those companies that have understood for a while that creating beautiful environments make people want to come inside even if they don't know what the shop is about.

This store in Chelsea was designed by their long time partners Oslo-based architects Snøhetta and was inspired in part by the opening scenes of classic James Bond films. Silvery shiny materials agains earthy down to earth wall tones create a focus point on the products themselves, playing with repetition and symmetry, Snøhetta really captures the essence of the brand in this location taking advantage of capacious dimensions to effect dramatic, clearly defined forms and material contrasts.


Earthy tones in the walls create a matt base where everything else contrasts and stands out. the water in the fountain creates a mirror that reflects the amazing multiple stem column arches up to envelop the entire store giving the user the feeling that he is stepping inside a cave.

 These sweeping structures create zones of intimacy around a large circular demonstration sink, 4.2 metres in diameter, that seems to hover in space, inviting visitors to experience an Aesop product consultation. The sink is edged by a shallow reflective pool; during the night, light reflected off the water shimmers on the walls.


Repetition of Aesop's own products create rhythm and beautiful patterns...
